Jerry Nell Memorial Fund

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The Jerry Nell Fund: Making Sure That All Kids Get To Participate

What is the Jerry Nell Memorial Youth Fund?
Jerry Nell’s goal was to see to it that children who can’t afford to participate in park programs or use park facilities are quietly helped to do so. Whether it’s softball, baseball or soccer, money is available to help a child from a family with a tight budget or a large number of eager, active children.

You must complete an application for each child you are requesting help for and an application for each activity they will be participating in. Applications are now available online and need to be completed and approved in advance of any program registration.

To complete application for assistance certification, please click here.

If you would like to donate to help our program to sponsor a child, please click here, contact the Park District office at (309) 852-2872 for cash or debit/credit donations or you may mail a donation to: 

Kewanee Park District

1095 Cambridge Rd.

Kewanee,  IL 61443

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